Categoria: english

Prof. Giuseppe sito medico estetico e chirurgo

face contouring

Face sculpting (without a scalpel)

The term was coined in 1945 by the famous make- up artist Max Factor, who taught students at his professional make-up academy to reshape the facial features in a step-by-step tutorial which is still available online today. This technique is now known as face contouring and is popular both on…


New eyebrows

A raised area of skin made up of three parts (“head”, “body” and “tail”) and covered by short hairs. More mobile in women than in men, it follows the eyebrow arch and separates the upper eyelid from the forehead. The aim: to protect the eyes against external environmental aggression. These…

chirurgo estetico a Firenze

The man in the mirror

In 9th place in the international ranking – led by the United States, Brazil and South Korea – for the number of cosmetic surgeries, is Italy. According to a survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Isaps), the world’s biggest association of plastic surgeons, 418,760 treatments and surgeries…


Microbotox: the retouch of the future

It may seem strange, but botulinic toxin was discovered – in 1793 by physician and poet Justinius Kerner – thanks to a bout of food poisoning following a wedding banquet at which sausages were served. Hence the name: “botulus”, meaning “sausage”. However, it was only in 1897 that Clostridium botulinum,…

smile makes you live longer

A smile… makes you live longer

When it’s open and bright, it makes you feel better, improves communication and relationships too. It boasts therapeutic powers and even makes you live longer. What is it? A simple smile. It lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke, as discovered by the researchers of the University of…

Cellulite? It isn’t invincible

Prevention. This is the real weapon to beat cellulite. Possibly the greatest enemy of the female form, affecting millions of women of all ages and all sizes, cellulite is also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome. It is an alteration of…